
let's meet again, in the digital sea

now checking records from the near side...
apologies. the data could not be loaded

your name

identity verification is required

your heart

identity verification is required

your proof

identity verification is required

please enter your name, gender, and contracted servant once more

kishinami hakuno / master / regalia holder
post-extella link
none gender with left beef

index profile about links

all imgs official / self-drawn / permission granted
in this house we love and appreciate gilgamesh
untagged spoilers for all extraverse content
play extra/ccc
my phone does not render fancyfont
automated quote every 6h-ish

art usage policy
ask before you use
personal use only (this includes discord emotes)
no edits, cropping ok
leave credit somewhere

index profile about links

believe in the future that awaits beyond your wish
believe it will someday be realised

index profile about links
